BBMP Khata Transfer: Step-by-Step Guide

In Bangalore, BBMP plays an important role when one buys, sells, or moves into a property. This blog focuses on BBMP khata transfer and the steps for both online and offline methods.

What is BBMP?

BBMP stands for Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike. It is a government body accountable for the city’s infrastructure. It was formed in 2007 by combining councils into one administration. It deals with urban planning and the construction and maintenance of roads and public spaces.

What is Khata Transfer?

Khata is a legal document against the ownership of a property. It contains all the important information related to the property. Khata transfer is the process of transferring property ownership from one person to another, according to official government records.

Transferring a BBMP Khata can be a complicated process with a lot of paperwork and bureaucratic hurdles. Avoid the hassle and ensure a smooth transfer with our expert Khata Transfer services.

Types of Khata

1. Khata A:

It is the certificate that is given to the property, which has all the approvals from the respected authorities. It has also followed all the bye rules and taxation policies as well. This certificate ensures the smooth obtainment of home loans, building plans and occupation certificates from respected authorities.

It provides a Khata Certificate and Khata Extract. The khata certificate is the document issued as proof that the property tax records are in the name of the owner and khata extract includes all the details of the property as well as the owner.

2. Khata B:

It is the certificate issued to properties that are not considered completely legal and lack the authority to be purely legal. There can be pending tax payments. Certain clearances from some BBMP decide whether a property has to be given a Khata A or Khata B. No certificate will be issued; only an extract will be issued, and no PID will be allotted.

3. E Khata:

It is a digital version of A Khata. It is a digital document which is kept in the online storage and can be shared easily. It assists in the same manner as A khata would do. It provides a convenient way to access and verify online easily.

E khata and A khata are both genuine documents and are accepted in the transaction of the estate. E khata has a boon in that it is simpler to acquire and manage easily. The eligibility criteria for E khata is to have a valid A khata and the property also needs to have a property identification number. The properties that cannot have an E khata are the ones that have a B Khata.

4. BDA Khata:

Stands for Bangalore Development Authority Khata. This is typically used for properties within Bangalore city limits that fall under the jurisdiction of the BDA.

5. CMC/TMC Khata:

These refer to Khata registrations done by City Municipal Corporations (CMC) or Town Municipal Councils (TMC). They are prevalent in urban areas outside of Bangalore and signify properties registered with the respective municipal authorities.

6. Gram Panchayat Khata:

The Gram Panchayat owns land within its jurisdiction, including villages, towns, and agricultural land. When transferring ownership, khata charges must be paid, similar to the process of converting a B khata to an A khata. To purchase land owned by the Gram Panchayat, an E-khata is required as proof that the land has been converted.

It is essential to prioritize transferring the Gram Panchayat khata first. For this transfer, you need all relevant documents, including an order indicating the conversion of the land from agricultural to non-agricultural use and a khata extract issued by the panchayat. The charges for transferring khata and converting agricultural land into residential land typically amount to about 6% of the registration fees.

7. E-Swaths:

This is a relatively new concept and refers to the digitization of land records. E-Swaths essentially represent the electronic version of a Khata, making property records more accessible and transparent.

E-Swaths is integrated with the Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) system, ensuring that all records are synchronized and up-to-date. This integration helps in maintaining consistency and accuracy in land records.

Why does one need a Khata Transfer?

The Government of Karnataka has made this process of khata transfer an essential requisite in the real estate world. The new owner shall not be able to pay the property tax unless and until the khata transfer has been made to the new owner. When the khata is being transferred, all the information related to the property is provided.

This information includes the new owner’s name, khata transfer, property identification number, the extent and use of the property, its valuation, and tax assessment. It is kept as an official record with government authorities.

For the khata transfer, the municipality issues a Khata Certificate declaring that the property’s tax records are in the owner’s name. This certificate is proof of ownership and provides a right to it.

Who Processes the Khata Transfer?

  1. For properties in urban areas, the city and town municipal corporations are responsible for the khata transfer and all related processes, such as registration, bifurcation, and taxes.
  2. For properties in rural areas, the panchayat of that area is also responsible for khata transfer and all related processes.
  3. If the property has been allotted by the city development authority, they are responsible for khata transfer and the related processes.

Importance of Khata Transfer

Legal compliance

It ensures of compliance with the legal requirements. It provides for documentation of the change of ownership and as well as the transfer of rights

Ownership confirmation

It verifies who the owner is; it acts as proof of ownership, giving confidence to the owner and any prospective owners.

Utility access

It helps ease utility access to the owners, such as water, electricity, and sewage connections.

Property transactions

The certificate facilitates smooth property transactions, completes transactions, and complies with legal requirements.

Building plan approvals

In case one wants to construct or make some renovations, one would require approval from the authority, who, in turn, needs a khata certificate.

Benefits of Khata Transfer

Navigating the legalities of BBMP Khata Transfers can be tricky. Our team of experienced professionals has a proven track record of successful transfers. Let us handle the complexities while you focus on the bigger picture.

E khata Benefits

Easy Digital Access

The E khata has replaced various paper documents with digital ones, which in turn makes it easy to view at any time and follow property-related regulations as well.

Time and money saved

It is all done online, which saves time standing in long queues and going from one office to another. It also helps save money as one doesn’t need to pay the fees for the basic and conventional paperwork connected to the khata.

Clear and Accurate

It helps the owner to have clarity in the property deals and also helps in the documentation process to be accurate in all manners, thus reducing the chances of errors in the documentation

Following the rules

suppose the application and all the formalities are done online. In that case, it, in turn, helps the owner to follow all the regulations and regulations of the authority, thus ensuring none is missed.

Smooth Transactions

It helps ensure a smooth transaction and, in turn, a less complicated process of buying, selling, or transferring ownership to another.

Government Service Access

With the use of E khata, all the government services can be accessed simply thus helping the owners in a great deal with all things handy to them.

Documents required for Khata Transfer in Bangalore

The various documents required for khata transfer in case of

  1. ForProperties allotted by Bangalore Development Authority / Karnataka Housing Board are:-
  1. Revenue Pockets, BDA Reconveyed areas, Gramathana, high rise buildings (both apartments and commercial complexes) are:-

The General documents which are required

Contents of Khata

The basic contents of khata are:-

Offline BBMP Khata Transfer Process

Step 1:

The first step is to fill out the Khata transfer form correctly. One needs to download the form from the Sakala portal (BBMP’s online portal for Khata transfer) or obtain the form from the nearest BangaloreOne Center. Next, one must fill in the form with all the required information, such as basic details, property details, and owner information.

Step 2:

The next step involves compiling all the required documents and attaching them to the application form.

Step 3:

The application form and attached documents must be submitted to the BBMP office along with an application fee of Rs. 110.

Step 4:

The next step is paying the khata registration fee along with the application form according to the guidelines issued by the BBMP itself. The fee is generally around about 2% of the value of the property’s registration

Step 5:

Once the application form and the fees are paid, a receipt is given against the submission and payment of the fees. In case of submission through an online portal, a tracking number is provided for any further use.

Step 6:

The next step is the inspection. BBMP officials conduct a field inspection to verify the details of the property and other information provided in the application form. After the inspection is completed, the officials also verify the attached documents to ensure their authenticity.

Step 7:

After BBMP completes all the inspection and verification, the khata transfer is approved, and a new khata certificate is issued in the new owner’s name.

Khata Transfer Fees in Bengaluru

For Khata registration, a 2% processing fee based on the stamp paper value is required. The upgrade costs are Rs. 100 per square yard in new areas and Rs. 50 per square yard in older areas. The fee is also 2% of the stamp paper value for Khata transfers or alterations, such as divisions or mergers.

Khata Transfer Fees

Khata Registration2% of the stamp paper valueProcessing fee required for registration.
Upgrade CostsRs. 100 per square yard (new areas)Applicable in new regions.
Rs. 50 per square yard (old areas)Applicable in old areas.
Khata Transfer or Alteration (division/merger)2% of the stamp paper valueFee for transferring or altering Khata.

You can submit requests for Khata registration, transfer, or corrections at the Assistant Revenue Officer’s office for your sub-division. This service is available on all working days between 10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., and 2:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Additionally, the BBMP offers the Sarala Khata Scheme Book at various citizen regional offices for Rs. 20/-. This booklet provides detailed information on how to submit a Khata request.

Khata Transfer Application Request Submission Details

Request Submission Time10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and
2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on all working days.
Where to Submit RequestAssistant Revenue Officer for the sub-division.
Sarala Khata Scheme Book CostRs. 20/-
Sarala Khata Scheme BookAvailable at various citizen regional offices. Provides information on how to submit a Khata request.

Online Khata Transfer Process

Sample of BBMP Khata Certificate

Don't waste your valuable time navigating the maze of BBMP offices and procedures. Our streamlined process ensures a fast and efficient Khata Transfer. Get started today and save yourself time and stress.

List of BBMP Khata Transfer Agents in Bangalore, Karnataka

  1. Name: Rajesh Kumar
  2. Name: Lakshmi Prasad
  3. Name: Anil Reddy
  4. Name: Sunitha Shetty
  5. Name: Vijay Kumar


BBMP stands for Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike. It is a government body that is accountable for the infrastructure of the city and deals with Khata Transfers.

According to official government records, a khata transfer is the process of transferring property ownership from one person to another. The process requires various documents, and all the steps have to be followed, whether online or offline.

Frequently Asked Questions On BBMP Khata Transfer Process in Bengaluru

Q1. What is the full form of BBMP?

Ans1. BBMP stands for Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike. It is a government body that is accountable for the infrastructure of the city.

Q2. What is a Khata Transfer?

Ans2. Khata transfer is the process of transferring property ownership from one person to another, according to official government records.

Q3. What is the difference between Khata Extract and Khata Certificate?

Ans3. A Khata Certificate is issued for the first time when a property is registered, and it shows the ownership of the property. A Khata Extract is a detailed statement from the assessment register about any property. It includes the size, location, built-up area, etc

Q4. What are the fees associated with Khata transfer?

Ans4. The fees associated with the Khata transfer process include the Khata transfer application fee and a transfer fee, which is usually around 2% of the property’s registration value.

Q5. What documents are required for a Khata transfer?

Ans5. The various documents required for khata transfer are an Attested copy of the title deed, Copies of previous tax-paid receipts, a Possession certificate, a Sketch showing the location of the property, Title documents, a flow chart of the title, Proof of improvement charges paid, Khata extract issued by, Affidavit regarding / inheritance/gift/court decree

Don't delay your BBMP Khata Transfer any longer! Delays can lead to complications and unwanted consequences. Our team can handle your transfer quickly and efficiently.