A candidate for a degree in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering must satisfy the following minimum requirements:
The following policies apply to all engineering programs in the college of engineering and specifically refer to courses designated as Engineering Fundamentals (EF) courses. EF courses include Mathematics and Science courses required of each engineering major as well as several introductory engineering and engineering science courses that are part of the Fundamentals of Engineering examination and include the following courses:
When an engineering program requires students to take any of the listed EF courses, students will be required to obtain a minimum grade of “C-” in each such course to meet graduation requirements. Furthermore, a minimum grade of “C-” on any such course will be required to satisfy prerequisite requirements of subsequent courses. This applies both to courses that are explicitly required and those that are recommended as elective courses. Individual programs may have additional courses (identified as Gateway courses or otherwise) that also require a minimum C or C- grade. Please refer to the requirements of each program stated in the undergraduate bulletin and/or the program handbook available from the academic advisor or the department chairperson. Technical electives must be passed with a minimum "D" grade.
A student may attempt the following three EF courses only twice: MATH 131, CHEM 106, and PHYS 241. If a student is unable to pass any of these courses in two graded attempts, he/she will be dismissed from engineering.
Except for MATH 131, CHEM 106, and PHYS 241, a student may attempt an EF course at most three (3) times. If a student is unable to pass a required EF course within three graded attempts, he/she will be dismissed from engineering. Please refer to a departmental advisor.
A student who has received a failing grade in a required course at this University must repeat and pass the course unless the Department Chairperson authorizes a substitute course. Course withdrawals do not count toward the attempts. A course completed with a grade of “C” or higher may not be repeated for a higher grade. Special authorization may be requested, as needed, from the Dean of the appropriate College/School to assist the student with completing requirements for graduation.
Dual course credit is not allowed. For example, only three (3) hours of credit are allowed for a three (3) hour course.
All grades earned by the student are a part of his/her official academic record and will appear on his/her transcript.
Pre-requisites are courses or levels of achievement that a student is expected to have completed successfully prior to enrolling in a course. Course Pre-requisites can be found in the University Undergraduate Bulletin or the department Handbook.
It is the student’s responsibility to satisfy Pre-requisites for any course enrolled in. A computerized Pre-requisite search may take place each semester. Failure to satisfy Pre-requisites will result in removal from enrollment in the course.
All students are required to show instructors proof of their Pre-requisites (semester taken and grade received) and co-requisites (semester taken) during the first week of classes.
Those students who do not meet pre-requisite/co-requisite requirements should drop the course and add other courses before the add-drop deadline. Such students will not be allowed to attend class lectures or take tests.
During the add-drop period, the academic advisers should check the pre-requisites/co-requisites of the courses their advisees will be taking. No exceptions on Pre-requisites/co-requisites will be allowed on all courses listed in this ECE Handbook.
Mathematics 15 hrs
Math 131, 132, 231, and 341 are required.
Basic Sciences 12 hrs
Chemistry 106, 116; Physics 241, 251, 242, and 252 are required.
General Education 18 hrs
At least (3) credits must come from African-American studies, and three (3) from global studies.
Engineering Topics 78 hrs
Twelve hours of General Engineering: GEEN 100, 111, Industrial Engineering: ISEN 260, and Mechanical Engineering: MEEN 230 are required.
Sixty hours of electrical engineering/technical elective courses are required: ECEN 101, 121, 200, 300, 306, 320, 327, 328, 356, 400, 425, 427, 433, 460, 466, 510, 598, 599; Six (6) Technical Elective I and One (1) Technical Elective II (ECEN 4xx, ECEN 5xx, MEEN 4xx).
***** See your Electrical Engineering advisor for the formulation of your undergraduate program,
or write: ELEN Program Director
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
North Carolina A & T State University
Greensboro, North Carolina 27411
Math 131, 132, 231, 431, and ECEN 227 are required.
Basic Sciences 12 hrs
Chemistry 106, 116; Physics 241, 251, 242, and 252 are required.
Computer Sciences 12 hrs
Comp 280, 285, 450, and 510 are required.
General Education 18 hrs
At least (3) credits must come from African-American studies, and three (3) from global studies.
Engineering Topics 62 hrs
Nine hours of General Engineering 100, 163 and 165 are required.
Fifty three hours of electrical engineering courses are required: ECEN 101, 200, 300, 306, 320, 327, 328, 356, 400, 423, 427, 429, 433, 547, 598, 599, and Three (3) Technical Elective I.
***** See your Electrical Engineering advisor for the formulation of your undergraduate program,
or write: CPEN Program Director
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
North Carolina A & T State University
Greensboro, North Carolina 27411