Application FAQs

Applicants to the Global Affairs graduate program submit an online application that is processed by George Mason University's Office of Graduate Admissions. Once an application is complete, the Global Affairs graduate admissions committee reviews and makes a decision, which is provided to the applicant via an email from the Office of Graduate Admissions. The Global Affairs Program is happy to answer applicant questions at any point during this process. We have compiled a few answers to the most frequently asked questions below. For questions, please reach out to

Goals Statement

What should an applicant include in the goals statement?

The goals statement should address the following:

Note: Applicants are welcome to include an explanation for any problems or inconsistencies within other application materials (low GPA, etc.) in their Goals Statement.

What is the page length for the goals statement?

Goals statement should be two pages in length.

Letters of Recommendation

Whom should an applicant ask to provide a letter of recommendation?

Letters of recommendation should be prepared by individuals that can speak to the applicant's academic abilities and overall potential for success in a graduate program.

Do both required letters have to be from academic sources?

No. However, it is recommended that at least one letter should be from an individual who can speak to the applicant's past and/or future academic performance. This letter should provide a sense of how the applicant would perform in a graduate classroom setting while in the Global Affairs MA Program. While this is recommended, an applicant can also address why a letter like this may not be possible to obtain in their personal statement. Letters from individuals that know the applicant only in a personal capacity (family and friends) cannot be accepted.

How do recommenders submit their letters?

Applicants provide the names and email addresses of their recommenders within the online application. The recommenders receive an email from George Mason University that includes a link to access the online recommendation form. At the end of the online form, recommenders will be able to upload documents.

May I submit more than the two required letters?

Yes. The online application provides space to enter the name and email address of a third recommender.

Foreign Language Proficiency

Please consult the web page dedicated to the foreign language application requirement for information on this topic.

Optional Writing Sample Guidlines

Please submit a writing sample of approximately 5 pages in length that will help the admissions committee measure your ability to write and express yourself clearly, especially when discussing complex ideas.

One option for your writing sample is a paper (or excerpt from a paper) from an upper-level course) you completed in your undergraduate degree. Please send a “clean copy,” with no comments or markings. Another option is a piece of writing you have completed in your professional work. This includes a brief, a report, etc.

Note: If you are excerpting a 5-page sample from a longer paper, provide a notation at the top that explains “this is an excerpt from an x-page paper.” Specify the topic, and explain where in the paper this excerpt is from.