Dca license transfer application

Once your pre-application has been selected, you will be invited to complete a full eligibility application. At that time, the following documentation will be required.

Identity Verification (at least one of the following documents for all household members)

§ New Jersey driver’s license

§ State or county -issued ID

§ Social Security Card (if a Social Security card has been issued to household member)

Active Renter Evidence (only one document per household needed)

§ Signed lease, tenant agreement or property owner certification

§ Documentation of residence, including utility bills, attestation by a property owner who can be identified as the verified owner or management agent of the unit

§ Other reasonable documentation

Income Verification (at least one of the following documents for all household members)

Annual Income

§ 2020 Tax Return (1040, 1040EZ, etc.)

§ 2020 W2 from Employer

§ 2020 1099 Tax Form

§ Other evidence of annual Income (e.g., wage statement, interest statement, unemployment compensation statement)

Monthly Income

§ One (1) Pay stub, at minimum, for wages dated within the last 30 days, from the time of full eligibility application

a. Documentation must demonstrate a full months’ worth of consecutive pay

§ Social Security benefit letter identifying 2021 award

§ Unemployment benefits letter dated with the last 60 days (about 2 months)

§ Child Support Payment Report from the New Jersey Department of Human Services

§ Letter from parent payment child support for Child Support payments made outside of the NJ (New Jersey) Department of Human Services. Letter must be dated within the last 60 days (about 2 months)

Proof of Rent Arrears (if applying for arrearages)

§ Lease and Past Due Notice

§ Notice of rent arrears issued by the rental property owner

§ Summary Process Summons and Complaint identifying the applicant(s) as the Defendant(s)/Tenant(s)/Occupant(s), which sets forth a hearing date within thirty (30) days is required as proof of rent arrearage.

Evidence of Financial Hardship, such as a reduction in income or incurring significant costs, either directly or indirectly due to the COVID 19 outbreak (only one document per household needed)

Reduction of Income:

§ Letter from employer stating reduced wages, termination, or furlough.

§ Layoff letter from employer

§ Unemployment letter dated on or after 3/13/2020.

§ Print out from Unemployment on benefits received in the last 30 days (about 4 and a half weeks).

§ Notice of business closure on employer website.

§ Letter from healthcare provider stating you were sick and unable to work.

§ Letter from workforce solutions

§ If unable to provide verification of a reduction of income from source, a self-certification attesting to the reduction, will be permitted

Evidence of Significant Costs/Expenses (if applicable)

Significant costs are defined as any expense over $50.00

§ Healthcare costs, including care at home for individuals with COVID-19

§ Adverse healthcare impact/Increased healthcare costs (medical bills, receipts, etc.)

§ Expenses incurred due quarantining or social distancing as mandated by employer (computer equipment, internet expenses, etc.)

§ Expenses for childcare due to school closures because of COVID-19

§ Remote learning expenses due to COVID-19

§ Purchase of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)

§ Funeral costs for deceased family members due to COVID-19

§ Penalties, fees, and legal costs associated with rental or utility arrears

§ Payments for rent or utilities made by credit card to avoid homelessness or housing instability

§ Alternative transportation for households unable to use public transportation during the pandemic

Evidence of Risk of Homelessness (only one document per household needed)

§ An eviction notice

§ A past due utility or rent notice for charges incurred after March 2020

§ Living in unsafe or unhealthy living conditions, such as conditions that increase the risk of exposure to COVID-19 because of overcrowding (examples include condemnation order from the Board of Health or a Failed Inspection Report)

§ A housing cost burden that makes it difficult for renters to afford their housing costs (examples include increased utility bills due to staying home and social distancing or quarantining)

§ Informal rental arrangements with little or no legal protection (Examples include written statements that are not lease agreements)

History of or potential for exposure to intimate partner violence, sexual assault, or stalking(Examples include restraining orders, police reports, or court order arrangements)

§ Evidence the household is forgoing or delaying the purchase of essential goods or services to pay rent or utilities, such as food, prescription drugs, childcare, transportation, or equipment needed for remote work or school

§ Harassment or verbal threats of eviction by a property owner

§ Evidence the household is relying on credit cards, payday lenders, or other high-cost debt products, or depleting savings, to pay for rent or utilities, rather than wages or other income

§ Name, address, social security number or tax identification number, as applicable, for property owner

§ Completed W-9 tax form for owner or property manager

§ Property Management Agreement, Brokers Agreement that authorizes payments to be distributed to property manager on behalf of owner

§ Proof of ownership (deed, most recent real estate tax bill, or current property insurance policy). The agency may also verify property ownership with a local municipal Assessor’s Office or with the Registry of Deeds. If this option is used, the agency must maintain a printed copy of such verification in the applicant file.

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You can contact our Client Call Center at 609-490-4550 or submit a SERVICE REQUEST

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