Establishing, Relocating, or Closing an Office
Provided below are resources that should be helpful for those considering or pursuing an application to establish or relocate a banking office, as well notices to close a banking office. The resources include appropriate references to the Federal Deposit Insurance Act and the FDIC Rules and Regulations, along with links to relevant policy statements, guidance, and available forms.
- For any questions or inquiries
- Prior to submitting an application that involves unique or unusual circumstances
Resources Specific to Applications and Notices for Establishing, Relocating, or Closing of Offices and the Application Process
Application Forms
- Establish a New Office, Relocate an Existing Office, or Discontinuance (Closure) of an Office
- Electronic Filing of Branch Applications
Laws and Regulations
- Section 303.40 of the FDIC Rules and Regulations - Establishment and Relocation of Domestic Branches and Offices
- Section 6 of the FDI Act – Factors to be Considered
- Section 18(d) of the FDI Act – Branch Banks
- Section 3(o) of the FDI Act – Domestic Branch Definition
- Section 42 of the FDI Act – Notice of Branch Closure
- Policy Statement Concerning Branch Closing Notices and Practices (Interagency)
Additional Resource